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Become a ‘Supporting Member’ with a
$50 recurring monthly contribution
Bençao Brasil Cultural Center
Founded in 2002, we seek to uplift, empower, and inspire adults, youth, and their families.
Bençao Brasil Cultural Center is committed to bringing the culture of Brazil and the art of Capoeira to the communities of Southern California.
Capoeira is a holistic art; a mix of traditional music, culture, dance and martial arts.
When Brazilian dance, music, and arts are coupled with authentic Capoeira experiences, practitioners enjoy a positive and creative outlet by which they can express themselves, and stay healthy inside and out.
Ultimately, through classes, community programming, teaching residencies, international cultural exchanges, workshops, festivals and performances, we strive to help all participants to grow as positive contributing members of a modern global society;
Programs & Initiatives:
- Annual Festivals + Workshops
- Capoeira In Schools
- Scholarship Program
- Summer Night Lights
Bençao Brasil is a 501 c(3) non profit partner of Capoeira Brasil and our headquarters located in Los Angeles.
Your tax deductible donation goes directly to funding:
Memberships and uniforms for needy and at-risk youth who are interested in our programs.
Plane tickets for visiting teachers.
Fees for visiting teachers.
Musical instruments and teaching equipment.